Monday, November 3, 2008

1st Blog!

Peace people, I am new at this so be patient! However since arriving in Kuwait blogging has been on my mind daily. Too many thoughts in my cranium about the world and this country to not be shared. I also hope to dispel any myths about Middle Eastern countries that my friends and family may have. Anyway Kuwait has been cool thus far. The weather can be blistering though and I am in no need of a tan. What I enjoy so far is the melting pot of cultures that I can immersed myself in. There are people from Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India (one of the more dominant groups), The Phillipines, Turkey (their food is the best), Jordan, Iran, UK, US, and a plethora of other countries I probably leaving out.

My journey to Kuwait is for both spiritual and monetary reasons. Actually the difference in salary that I would be making back home would not be much different. Being so close to Mecca, Saudia Arabia is exciting. Hearing the adhan (call to prayer) is wonderful Although I had a brief stint in an African Muslim country, I was much younger and could not appreciate the religion of Islam as much. With that being said I hope that people will be entertained, enlighten, s culturally immersed, and excited about traveling abroad.



1 comment:

  1. Just came across this blog, for your 1st time this is pretty good I would like to see how it develops. Njoy your time out there and continue to tell it like it is. Are you involved?

