Sunday, December 21, 2008

7 Pounds= Oscar (It Better)

Will Smith may go down as the greatest actor of all time. Seven Pounds is hands down the best movie of the past couple of years (Aside from the Last King of Scotland). Will Smith deserves two Oscar's for his role. Rosario Dawson and Woody Harrleson were great too. In fact I think this movie really displayed the depths of their acting talents.  I am proud of him for choosing roles outside of what Black actors typically choose. Kudos Brah


  1. thanks 4 the tip yao...gotta see this!

  2. I saw it a couple of days and was thoroughly impressed with the storyline and Will Smith's depth as a character. It was refreshing to see a black man display a sense of selfless which is departure from the common portrayal of the black man as a "taker".

  3. Yeah the story line was crazy...the beginning scene was crazy
